Informations on this website

I am a former medical student, I created this site with the aim of making the symptoms clear to caregivers who often misunderstand them, if they are interested in the subject and have the time to look at my site. Of course anyone can read. I was active on the atoute schizophrenia forum today closed then on the la-roue forum under the pseudonym of e884571. You can contact me on, but I very rarely check these emails.

The content license:

The content of the site (the text and the images except the comments of the visitors and the images not coming from me) is licensed under creative commons: CC-BY-SA, which means that you can modify and publish this content even commercially, provided that you cite the author (nickname: e884571 on the atoute forum and forum ) and that you do not modify this license. The photos were taken by me on vacation (except those where I mention that I am not the author), and the drawings were made by me during art classes in middle school. See: creative commons license